Programming Python X Online(12-14 years old) - ROBOT SCHOOL - дитяча школа програмування і робототехніки. Київ, Полтава, Кременчук

Python X Online
(12-14 years old)

In the Python X course, students will learn how to make simple Python programs using the PyGame module and the Spyder programming environment.

Registration for a trial lesson

  • Childs age: 12 - 14 years old
  • Course direction: Programming
  • Duration of the lesson: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Study period: 9 months (38 lessons)
  • Formation of groups: up to 8 people
  • Online course
  • Price: The first trial session - 200 UAH
    1530 UAH/4 lessons - payment per month
    4131 UAH/12 lessons - 3 payments
    11016 UAH/course (36 lessons) - single payment

Description: In the Python X course, students will learn how to make simple Python programs using the PyGame module and the Spyder programming environment.

Participants of the course will study in detail the basics and the syntax of the Python programming language, learn how to build algorithms for controlling a large number of variables, and write their first programs in Python.

Students will become familiar with the concept of software modules the Turtle and PyGame as examples, master the principles of developing simple software solutions with a graphical user interface, learn how to work with graphic objects, and apply the knowledge and skills gained to create simple games from scratch.

The curriculum of the course is structured in such a way that each student, in addition to the basic skills of working with a personal computer and the basics of programming, will be able to master the principles of mathematical logic, analytical thinking, approaches to solving applied problems.

What is needed: personal computer with web connection support (webcam and microphone), an Internet connection speed of AT LEAST 7 MB/s (incoming and outgoing).

Preparing for the first lesson: before the first lesson, students are provided with all the necessary information on how to install the required training programs on their computer, as well as instructions on how to install and operate Zoom.

The teacher helps students understand all the tools and programs in the first trial lesson that will be used in the course, as well as gives an introductory lesson with practical tasks for students.

Form of education: training takes place in groups (no more than 8 people) once a week. During the remote lesson, students work in the Zoom program, where the teacher has the opportunity to monitor their work and help using the remote control function.
