RoboticsSmart City12-14 years old - ROBOT SCHOOL - дитяча школа програмування і робототехніки. Київ, Полтава, Кременчук

Smart City
12-14 years old

Learning Arduino boards and programming skills in the Arduino IDE C ++ programming language.

Registration for a trial lesson

  • Childs age: 12 - 14 years old
  • Course direction: Robotics
  • Duration of the lesson: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Study period: 9 місяців (38 занять)
  • Formation of groups: Training takes place in groups (no more than 10 people) once a week. During the class, students work in pairs (two students per robot or computer).
  • In the branch "Online courses" this course is not present

Smart City course focuses on learning Arduino boards and programming them in the Arduino IDE in the C++programming language.

Course participants are encouraged to work with a Pathfinder robot machine created at RobotSchool using the Arduino Uno board. The Pathfinder, equipped with a line sensor, moves within the Smart City platform (table), whose objects (barriers, lanterns, motion sensors, etc.) are controlled by the Arduino Mega board. The global objective of the course is to program the robot-machine interaction with the Smart City platform.

The basis of the programming language Arduino IDE, the study of which is expected in this course, formed the languages C, C++, Java and Processing. That is why working in the Arduino IDE will be a good base for further study of these languages.

Smart City course covers data types, cycles, arrays and a number of libraries for working with various devices, including a servo motor, an ultrasonic rangefinder, a humidity and temperature sensor, an LCD monitor, and etc.

What do you need: Desire, good mood and self-confidence. All that is necessary for learning is provided by the school.
